
Math Olympiad Grade 3 Fractions and Decimals Worksheet-2

Fractions & Decimals Worksheet-2


  1. This is a whole.


       What is


       A. 1/3                  B. 3/8                 C. 2/3                 D. 5/8


  1. Evaluate the expression : (9/8) + 3(1/8)

       A. 6(1/4)            B. 1/2                  C. 4(1/4)            D. 2(1/4)


  1. Which symbol will make the number expression TRUE?

       1.061  □  1.161

       A. >                     B. <                     C. =                     D. none of the above


  1. The picture below is shaded to represent a fractional number.

       How many of the stars in the group below must be shaded to represent a fraction with the same value?

       A. 5                      B. 6                     C. 8                     D. 10

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  1. What decimal number will come in between 0.097 and 1.05?

       A. 1.5                   B. 0.095             C. 1.13                 D. 0.099


  1. Which option shows (7/1000) as a decimal?

       A. 0.7                  B. 7.0                  C. 0.07               D. 0.007


  1. A fraction of the group of marbles below is shaded.

       Which figure below is shaded to represent a fraction with the same value?

       A.                B.

       C.                D.


  1. Evaluate the expression : (2/5) + 2(1/5)

       A. 2(3/5)            B. 1(13/30)        C. 4(13/30)       D. 3(3/5)


  1. Madhavi made the following design using squares.

       What fractional part of the design is shaded?

       A. 5/12               B. 7/12               C. 5/6                 D. 12/6


(11)–D; (12)–C; (13)–B; (14)–B; (15)–D; (16)–D; (17)–D; (18)–A; (19)–A