
Friction Worksheet-1

Friction Worksheet-1


  1. Friction opposes the_____ between the surfaces in contact with each other.


  1. Friction depends on the _____of surfaces.


  1. Friction produces____.


  1. Sprinkling of powder on the carom board _____ friction.


  1. Sliding friction is_____ than the static friction.


  1. The friction always_____ the direction of motion.


  1. All objects moving in fluids have_____ shape to reduce friction.


  1. Smooth surfaces produce _____friction than rough surfaces.


  1. The substances are used in machines to protect their surfaces from wear and tear caused by friction are called _____.


  1. Friction opposes the _____ between the surfaces in contact with each other.


  1. Sprinkling of powder on the carom board _____ friction.


  1. Match the following:



  1. relative motion

  2. Nature

  3. Heat

  4. Reduces

  5. Less

  6. Opposes

  7. Streamlined

  8. Lesser

  9. Lubricants

  10. relative motion

  11. Reduces

  12. A–S, B–P, C–Q, D–T, E–R