Fun with magnets Worksheet-1
Multiple-Choice question:
(a) The Japanese, about 4000 years ago
(b) The Chinese, about 3000 years ago
(c) The Swedish, about 5000 years ago
(d) The Dutch, about 2500 years ago
(a) North pole of a magnet is attracted towards south pole of other magnet.
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Multiple-Choice question:
(a) wooden bob is attracted towards the magnet and the string assumes an inclined position
(b) wooden bob is unaffected by the presence of magnet and the string remains in vertical position
(c) wooden bob is deflected in the opposite direction and the string assumes an inclined position
(d) None of these
Fun with magnets Worksheet-3
Multiple-Choice question:
(a) A magnet will get demagnetized
(b) That piece will get magnetized
(c) No effect
(a) Yes, we can create natural magnet of any shape
(b) No, hammering or striking may damage magnets
(c) Can’t say