Garbage in, garbage out Worksheet-3
Multiple-Choice Question:
(a) Consumers (b) Decomposers
(c) Producers (d) All of these
(i) Solid waste (ii) Pesticides (iii) Sewage (iv) Fertilizers
Which of the following combinations contain sources of soil pollution?
(a) (ii) and (iv) (b) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii), (iii) and(iv)
(a) glass, wood cuttings, batteries
(b) vegetable peels, garden waste, paper
(c) rubber, plastic, manure
(d) metal, glass, plastic
(a) oil spills, untreated sewage and chemical effluent
(b) untreated sewage, glass bottles and plastic bags
(c) pesticides, treated sewage and litter
(d) chemical effluent, leaching of pesticides and algae
(a) the use of pesticides (b) land/soil pollution
(c) air pollution (d) water pollution
(a) A substance that is thrown away as kitchen refuse
(b) A substance that will not dissolve in water
(c) A substance that cannot decompose naturally
(d) A substance that costs too much to recycle
(i) By how much did the level of sulphur dioxide pollution in China decreased between 2005 and 2010?
(ii) Which country had the highest level of sulphur dioxide pollution in 2000?
(a) (i) 30 (ii) E (b) (i) 23 (ii) B
(c) (i) 32 (ii) A (d) (i) 29 (ii) C
(a) the use of public transport
(b) causing veld fires
(c) the use of leaded petrol
(d) the burning of wood and coal
(a) Pollution (b) Conservation
(c) Deforestation (d) Overpopulation
(a) usually attacks all useful micro-organisms
(b) usually originates in the country where the alien plant destroys indigenous vegetation
(c) can destroy an alien plant infestation or reduce its population numbers
(d) usually attacks all plant species
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