
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-13

Word Power Worksheet – 13


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "allow"

(a) important    (b) tolerate        (c) spare            (d) ferocious


  1. "gloomy or depressing"

(a) ingenious     (b) dismal          (c) already         (d) scratched


  1. "not have any longer"

(a) lose                                             (b) restoration

(c) conservation                            (d) argument


  1. "barren, deserted; few or no plants and small or zero population"

(a) desolate       (b) abated          (c) bore              (d) pause


  1. "squeeze tight and quickly; pinch; bite"

(a) camphor      (b) adobe           (c) layers            (d) nip


  1. "passage of radio waves from a sending station to a receiving station"

(a) countless                                  (b) neutral

(c) transmission                           (d) cavernous


  1. "series of musical tones that go up and down in pitch according to fixed levels"

(a) group            (b) change         (c) stomach       (d) scales


  1. "the kind of sound something makes; the way a voice sounds"

(a) impact         (b) tone              (c) sure               (d) discover


  1. "people one is descended from"

(a) conservation                           (b) kind

(c) ancestors                                  (d) recite


  1. "coverings for the feet"

(a) larger            (b) shoes            (c) ensemble     (d) aviator


  1. "group of musicians who perform together"

(a) telescope     (b) enveloped    (c) ensemble     (d) poultry


  1. "great pain or suffering"

(a) misery         (b) discover       (c) pity                (d) sometimes


  1. "birds raised for food"

(a) truce             (b) smuggling   (c) vegetation    (d) poultry


  1. "to make uneasy, upset, or nervous"

(a) disturb         (b) kind              (c) synthetic      (d) parson


  1. "carried with a person when they arrived"

(a) cavernous    (b) decimetre    (c) shoulder      (d) brought


  1. "bringing goods into or out of a country secretly and illegally"

(a) start              (b) caught          (c) symphony    (d) smuggling


  1. "a mass of stone or metal which has fallen upon the earth"

(a) commemorate                         (b) meteorite   

(c) air                                              (d) papoose


  1. "steadily working hard"

(a) industrious                              (b) jeered

(c) intonation                                (d) secure


  1. "made with chemicals instead of natural products"

(a) biography    (b) howl             (c) synthetic      (d) minute


  1. "used for homes"

(a) dire               (b) orbit             (c) bargain        (d) residential


  1. "people who live near one another"

(a) coins             (b) squaw          (c) neighbours  (d) astronomer


  1. "live in"

(a) ignore                                       (b) inhabit                  

(c) helter-skelter                          (d) industrious


  1. "to ruin or break completely"

(a) kingfisher    (b) destroy         (c) luxurious     (d) pause


  1. "search extensively"

(a) scour             (b) pounded      (c) shoulder      (d) future


  1. "told about something"

(a) sibling                                       (b) transmission

(c) fault                                           (d) explained


  1. "not favouring one more than another"

(a) utensil          (b) fair                (c) static             (d) herself


  1. "sadly let out a long breath"

(a) luxurious     (b) inhabit         (c) tour               (d) sighed


  1. "wildest; most dangerous"

(a) fiercest         (b) disturb         (c) purchase      (d) meteorite


  1. "terrible"

(a) bolster          (b) false              (c) dreadful       (d) eon


  1. "a feeling of being pleased or satisfied"

(a) dreadful       (b) important   (c) pride             (d) dreadful



1-b;  2-b;  3-a;  4-a;  5-d;  6-c;  7-d;  8-b;  9-c;  10-b;  11-c;  12-a;  13-d;  14-a;  15-d;  16-d;  17-b;  18-a;  19-c;  20-d;  21-c;  22-b;  23-b;  24-a;  25-d;  26-b;  27-d;  28-a;  29-c;  30-c