
Geometry & Mensuration Worksheet-1

geometry problems math worksheet grade 5

Geometry & Mensuration Worksheet-1


  1. A circle has a diameter of 8(2/5) cm. Which option shows its radius in centimeter?

A. 4(1/4)            B. 5(1/4)             C. 4(1/2)            D. 4(1/5)


  1. Find the volume of a rectangular prism in cubic feet that has a length of 40 feet, a width of 12 feet, and a height of 30 feet.

A. 480                B. 1,200              C. 82                   D. 14,400


  1. How many lines of symmetry does a regular hexagon have?

A. 4                     B. 8                     C. 12                    D. 6


  1. A triangle has an area of 45 sq ft. Base of the triangle is 9 ft. What is the corresponding height of triangle? HINT: area of triangle = 1/2 × base × height

A. 90 ft               B. 5 ft                  C. 10 ft                D. 405 sq ft


  1. A cube can also be described as ______.

A. square base pyramid              B. triangular prism

C. rhombus                                    D. rectangular prism with all sides equal


  1. Number of rays that can be drawn from a given point is:

A. 2                     B. 5                      C. 8                     D. infinite


  1. A line segment joining the centre and any point on the circle is called:

A. chord             B. radius            C. diameter       D. none of these


  1. The sum of all the three angle in a triangle is:

A. 120⁰               B. 180⁰              C. 160⁰               D. 120⁰


  1. Number of measurements required to construct a rectangle are ____.

A. 4                     B. 3                     C. 2                     D. 1


  1. Find the area of the figure shown below.

A. 90 sq m         B. 100 sq m       C. 128 sq cm     D. 150 sq m


Answer Key:

1. (d); 2. (d); 3. (d); 4. (c); 5. (d); 6. (d); 7. (b); 8. (b); 9. (c); 10. (c)