Acids, bases and salts Worksheet-1
Fill in the blanks:
Acids change the colour of litmus solution to ________.
Bases change the colour of litmus solution to ________.
Salts ________the colour of litmus solution.
Substances which change colour or odour in acidic or basic medium are called ________.
The colour of methyl orange in acidic and basic medium is ________ and________.
The colour of phenolphthalein in washing soda solution is ________.
The colour of moist litmus paper in calcium sulphate is ________.
H2CO3 is the formula of________.
Acids, bases and salts Worksheet-2
Fill in the blanks:
The pH of sodium chloride solution will be ________
The lower the pH, the ________ is acid.
The higher the pH, the ________ is acid.
Addition of baking soda to milk will ________ its pH.
Water gives ________ colour on universal indicator.
Quick lime is added to the soil when it becomes ________.
Decaying organic matter (manure or compost) is added to the soil when it becomes ________.
Salts in aqueous solution ________ electricity.
Acids, bases and salts Worksheet-3
Multiple Choice Questions:
(A) Distilled water is germ free water
(B) Distilled water contains mineral ions.
(C) Rain water contains ions.
(D) Rain water contain microorganisms.
(A) Red (B) Yellow (C) Orange