Metals and non metals Worksheet-10
One Words Questions:
Name a metal which is a liquid.
What type of ion is formed by Hydrogen?
What type of ion is formed by oxygen?
Name a non-metal which is a liquid.
What property of metals allows it to be drawn into wires?
Which metal is the best conductor of heat?
Name a metal which is poorest conductor of heat.
Which metal is best conductor of electricity?
Name the metal which is soft?
Metals and non metals Worksheet-11
One Words Questions:
Which of the two metals is more reactive Copper or Silver?
What will be the product formed when copper sulphate reacts with zinc?
Name a metal which cannot displace Hydrogen from acids.
What are the products formed when silver metal rod is placed in copper sulphate solution?
In a solution of silver nitrate a copper plate dipped. After some time silver from the solution was deposited on copper plate. Which metal is more reactive silver or copper.
The name of Al2O3.2H2O is
The name of ZnCO3 is
Metals and non metals Worksheet-12
One Words Questions:
Which element is used as reducing agent in Thermite reduction process?
After calcination the ore becomes ______. (Porous/hard)
Carbonate and Sulphide ores are usually converted into their _____ during the process of extraction.
Name one method for refining of metals.
Sulphide ores are converted into their oxides by-
At which electrode oxygen gas is obtained during electrolysis of molten aluminium oxide.
Which element is used to reduce cassiterite (SnO2) tin oxide to tin.