
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-1

Addition & Subtraction Worksheet-1


  1. 520 + 0 =_________

       A. 0                     B. 52                   C. 520                 D. 5200


  1. What is seven hundreds plus thirteen tens?

       A. 713                 B. 7130               C. 731                 D. 830


  1. 570 + 430 = how many tens?

       A. 100                B. 43                   C. 57                   D. 1000


  1. The table below shows the number of pages read by Chinu, Pintu and Josh. See the table to answer this question. How many pages did Chinu and Pintu read altogether?

       A. 534                 B. 497                 C. 437                 D. 537


  1. 275 + 199 =

       A. 660                B. 386                 C. 474                 D. 1221


  1. One hundred more than 546 is:

       A. 446                 B. 546                 C. 646                 D. 746


  1. See the table to answer this question. If you round the number of pages read to the nearest hundred, who among the three read the same number of pages?

       A. Chinu and Pintu                      B. Pintu and Josh

       C. Josh and Chinu                        D. Pintu, Josh, and Chinu


  1. 70 + 91 + 38 + 41

       A. 328                 B. 297                 C. 148                 D. 240


  1. Each   weighs 1 kg. How much does this weigh?


       A. 28 kg             B. 20 kg             C. 15 kg              D. 10 kg


  1. What number could  □  be?

       □ + ∆ = 9

       A. 7                     B. 10                  C. 12                    D. 13



(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–A; (4)–B; (5)–C; (6)–C; (7)–B; (8)–D; (9)–B; (10)–A