
Plants and Animals Worksheet-4

Science olympiad grade 3

Plants and Animals Worksheet-4


  1. The given picture shows the cross-section of papaya. Which part of Papaya (P, Q, R) will grow into a new plant under certain suitable conditions?

(A) Q                   (B) R                   (C) P


  1. Plants get water and minerals from the:

(A) Sunlight      (B) Soil               (C) Air

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  1. Which of the following is a desert plant?

(A)          (B)   (C)


  1. Which of these will be able to prepare food on their own?

(A) Plant kept in an open place

(B) Leaves are covered with black paper

(C) Kept in a closed wooden box


  1. Which of the following part of the tree protects the trunk?

(A) Bark             (B) Roots           (C) Branches


  1. Mark the odd one out.

(A)        (B)         (C)


  1. Fill in the gap “X” in the given table?

(A)       (B)           (C)


  1. Which of the following can change their body colour to protect themselves from their enemies?

(A)     (B)   (C)


  1. Mark the odd one out.

(A)        (B)   (C)


  1. How do these animals protect themselves from their predators?

(A) They live in groups

(B) They kill their enemies

(C) They make some unpleasant sounds


  1. Which of the following can live both on land and in water?

(A)      (B)        (C)


  1. Which of the following cannot prepare food on their own?

(A)        (B)            (C)


  1. Which of the following is our national animal?

(A)   (B)   (C)


  1. Which part of the potato plant grows into a  new plant?

(A) Root             (B) Stem            (C) Seed


  1. Which of the following does not swallow its food as a whole?

(A)       (B)      (C)


  1. Match the column according to the function performed by the respective parts:


  1. Match the column according to the organs different organisms use for breathing:


Answer Keys:

(1)–C  ; (2)–B ; (3)–A ; (4)–A ; (5)–A ; (6)–C ; (7)–A ; (8)–C ; (9)–A; (10)–A ; (11)–C ; (12)–C ; (13)–A ; (14)–B ; (15)–A ; (16)–(1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c); (17)–(1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b)