Singular Plural Worksheet-1
The bird known as parrot is usually green.
A. These birds known as parrots is usually green.
B. Those birds known as parrots is usually greens.
C. The birds known as parrots are usually green.
D. That birds known as a parrot are usually green.
All my friends are going for the movie.
A. One of my friend are going for the movie.
Read More...Singular Plural Worksheet-2
The cow has eaten all the fodder.
A. The cows have eaten all the fodder.
B. The cows are eaten all the fodder.
C. The cows have eaten all the fodders.
D. These cows have eaten all the fodder.
Those dogs have new leashes.
A. This dog has a new leashes.
Read More...Singular Plural Worksheet-3
His books, as well as his bag, are new.
A. His book, as well as his bag’s, being new.
B. His book, as well as his bag, are new.
C. His book, as well as his bag, is new.
D. His book, as well as his bags, are new.
Her brother wants to meet you.
A. Their brothers want to meet you.