
Present Countinuous Tense Worksheet-3

Present Countinuous Tense Worksheet-3


  1. Fill in the blank/s.

‘Where are the children?’ ‘They ______in the park.’

A. were playing                             B. have played

C. are playing                                D. played


  1. Fill in the blank/s.

(on the phone) We ______ dinner now. Can you phone again later?

A. were taking                               B. was taking

C. are taking                                  D. have taken


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form

You can turn off the television. I _______ it.

A. am not watching                      B. have not watched

C. was not watching                    D. do not watch


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

______ an apple.

A. She is eating______             B. She was _______

C. She has been _______        D. She ate


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

He ­_____ for a bus.

A. was waiting                               B. has waited

C. is waiting                                   D. waited


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

They _______ football.

A. have played                               B. are playing

C. played                                        D. were playing


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

______ on the floor.

A. I am sitting ____                   B. I was sitting ____

C. I sat _____                              D. I have sat ______


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

_____ Breakfast.

A. She is taking                    B. She was taking

C. She has taken                           D. She took


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

_______ on the table.

A. Rama has sat_____              B. Rama is sitting_____

C. Rama was sitting______    D. Rama sat______


  1. Write the sentence in present continuous form.

Please be quiet. I _______.

A. was working                             B. am working

C. have worked                             D. worked


Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B