Safety & First Aid Worksheet-10
True or False:
Wipe the wound always with cotton dipped in a few drops of antiseptic lotion.
Never wash the burnt or wounded area with running water.
Always put a hot water bottle on the burnt area.
If the person has a minor cut, just put a Band-Aid.
Always put an ice pack on the burnt area.
Apply a paste of lemon juice for bee and wasp stings.
You should apply an antiseptic cream on the burnt area.
Apply a paste of baking soda with an antiseptic cream for bee and wasp stings.
Safety & First Aid Worksheet-11
True or False:
The type of first aid depends on the type of person whether he/she is fat or thin.
Send for an adult or call a doctor if the person is injured.
The Physical Research Laboratory is a voluntary organization that helps and takes care of people during emergencies.
Always keep the victim protected from flies and dust.
We should not keep any first-aid kit at home or in school.
The type of first aid depends on the type of injury.
We should have a first-aid kit both at home and in school.