
Charts & Graphs Worksheet-2

Charts & Graphs Worksheet-2


The line chart above shows a library record. See the line chart to answer this Q.1,2,3

  1. How many books were checked out in August?

A. 650                 B. 600                C. 700                D. 550


  1. How many more books were checked out in June than in July?

A. 150                 B. 50                   C. 1                     D. 100


  1. How many books were checked out from the library in April, May and June?

A. 1,650              B. 1,600             C. 1,700             D. 1,200


See the circle/pie chart to answer the following Q.4,5,6,7

A middle school surveyed its students to find out how they commute to school everyday. The data of the survey are presented in the following pie chart.

  1. If 100 students responded to the survey, how many students were car riders?

A. 50                   B. 10                   C. 40                   D. 25


  1. If 200 students responded to the survey, how many are either bike or car riders?

A. 50                   B. 100                 C. 60                   D. 10


  1. Which was the least common way of commute among the students?

A. Bus                 B. Car                 C. Walk               D. Bike


  1. Which two ways of commute got equal numbers of votes from students?

A. Bike and Car                             B. Car and Bus

C. Bike and Walk                          D. Bus and Walk


  1. If ⇑ represents 5 houses, then the number of houses represented by ⇑⇑⇑⇑ are:

A. 4                     B. 20                   C. 5                     D. 40        


  1. A symbol is used to represent 10 flowers. Number of symbols to be drawn to show 60 flower is:

A. 6                     B. 12                   C. 10                   D. 10


  1. If one symbol of represents 50 children then represent ____ children.

A. 500                B. 250                 C. 150                 D. 200


Answer Key:

1. (b); 2. (d); 3. (b); 4. (d); 5. (b); 6. (c); 7. (a); 8. (b); 9. (a); 10. (c)