
Vocabulary Worksheet-6

Vocabulary Worksheet-6


  1. blurb

A. causing one to think or consider something

B. overwhelming sadness

C. having common sense

D. words describing and often supporting an article/novel


  1. replete

A. useful article made by people

B. acceptable

C. complete, full

D. draught


  1. tactile

A. cutting down of trees              B. perceptible to the touch

C. charming to look at                 D. walking in shallow waters


  1. Oceans ____ about three-fourths of the surface of the Earth.

A. disinterested                             B. groundless

C. encompass                                D. billow


  1. Moving in waves.

A. Exact             B. Demented     C. Observant     D. Undulating


  1. Quick to notice.

A. Exact             B. Demented     C. Observant     D. Undulating


  1. Twisted out of normal shape.

A. Exact             B. Demented     C. Undulating   D. Distorted


  1. Insane; Mad

A. Exact             B. Demented     C. Observant     D. Undulating


  1. Expression of strong disapproval.

A. Undulating                                B. Distorte

C. Condemnation                         D. none of these


  1. oblivious

A. unaware                                    B. to support / prove

C. evil intent                                  D. obedient


Answer Key:

  1. D

  2. C

  3. B

  4. C

  5. D

  6. C

  7. D

  8. B

  9. C

  10. A