
Subject verb agreement worksheet-5

Subject verb agreement worksheet-5


Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:

  1. The cashier and the clerk ____ absent today.

A. Is                                                 B. None of them

C. Are                                              D. Was


  1. The great singer and actor, Kishore Kumar, ____ still very famous.

A. Is                                                 B. Was

C. None of them                            D. Are


  1. Hurry up! The horse and carriage ___ at the door.

A. Are                                              B. Is

C. None of them                            D. Was


  1. Monsoon always ____ summer.

A. Followed                                    B. Follow

C. Follows                                      D. None of them


  1. Every year, during Diwali, we ____ new clothes.

A. Buys                                            B. None of them

C. Bought                                       D. Buy


  1. My father ____ a high post in the government office.

A. None of them                            B. Has

C. Have                                           D. Is having


  1. If I ____ you, I would ask him for help.

A. Was                                            B. Am

C. None of them                            D. Were


  1. Yesterday ____ a holiday.

A. Is                                                 B. Was

C. Were                                           D. None of them


  1. Next  year my friend _____ 12 years old.

A. Is                    B. Was                C. Will be           D. Are


  1. It usually _____ heavily in July - August.

A. Is raining      B. Rains             C. Rain               D. Rained


Answer Key:

  1. C

Explanation: ‘Double use of ‘the’ suggests the plural (2 different people); hence ‘are’ is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Single use of ‘the’ suggests the singular (Kishore Kumar is a singer as well as an actor) and ‘still’ suggests the present tense; hence ‘is’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: Single use of ‘the’ and sentence 1 suggest the singular and the present tense; hence ‘is’ is correct.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Monsoon’ and ‘always’ suggests the singular and routine; hence ‘follows’ is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Every year’ and ‘we’ suggests the routine and plural; hence ‘buy’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Father’ suggests the singular; hence ‘has’ is correct.


  1. D

Explanation: This is a ‘hypothetical case’; hence ‘were’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Yesterday’ suggests the singular and simple past tense; hence ‘was’ is correct.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Next year’ suggests the future; hence ‘will be’ is correct.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Usually’ suggests routine; hence ‘rains’ is correct.