
Algebra Worksheet-14

Algebra Worksheet-14


  1. There are some lotus flowers in a pond and some bees are hovering around. If one bee lands on each flower, one bee will be left. if two bees land on each flower, one flower will be left. Then the number of flowers and bees respectively are

(a) 3, 4               (b) 4, 3               (c) 2, 3                (d) 3, 2


  1. The ages of A and B are in the ratio 5 : 3. After 6 years, their ages will be in the ratio 7 : 5. The sum of their present ages is

(a) 9 years         (b) 10 years       (c) 15 years        (d) 24 years


  1. If 45 – [28 – {37 – (15 – x)}], then x is equal to

(a) –19               (b) 19                  (c) 29                  (d) –29


  1. What is the total number of candidates at an examination, if 31% fail and the number of those who passed exceeds the number of those who failed by 247?

(a) 605               (b) 560               (c) 650               (d) 620


  1. If then 'x' is equal to

(a) 0                    (b) 12                  (c) 13                  (d) 25


  1. A Student has to secure 35% marks to pass. He got 80 marks and failed by 60 marks. The maximum marks are

(a) 100               (b) 200               (c) 300               (d) 400


  1. Two supplementary angles differ by 20°. The smaller of the two measures is

(a) 60°                (b) 80°               (c) 100°              (d) 120°


  1. The average of 11, 12, 13, 14 and x is 13. The value of x is

(a) 17                  (b) 21                  (c) 15                   (d) 20


  1. We get solution for u by taking u as variable in

(a)              (b)              (c)              (d)


  1. 0.6 × 0.6 + 6 = x, then value of x is

(a) 6.16               (b) 6.42              (c) 6.96              (d) 6.45


  1. One number is 3 less than two times of the other. If their sum is increased by 7, the result is 37. The number is

(a) 9, 11              (b) 11, 13            (c) 11, 19             (d) 9, 13


  1. th of a flagpole is black, th  is white and the remaining three metres is painted yellow. The length of the flagpole is

(a)           (b)          (c) 5 m                (d) 4.5 m


  1. The solution of 0.2(2x – 1) – 0.5(3x – 1) = 0.4 is

(a)                  (b)               (c)                   (d)


  1. In an isosceles triangle, the base angles are equal. The vertex angle is 40°, then the base angle is

(a) 40°                (b) 60°               (c) 70°                (d) 90°


  1. In a coconut grove, (x + 2) trees yield 60 nuts per year each, x trees yield 120 nuts per year each and (x – 2) trees yield 180 nuts per year each. If the average yield per year per tree be 100, then x is

(a) 4                    (b) 3                    (c) 2                    (d) 1


  1. The total cost of three prizes is Rs. 2550. If the value of second prize is th of the first and the value of 3rd prize is of the second prize, then the value of first prize is

(a) Rs. 900        (b) Rs. 1500      (c) Rs. 1200      (d) Rs. 450


Answer Key:

(1)-(a); (2)-(d); (3)-(b); (4)-(c); (5)-(d); (6)-(d); (7)-(b); (8)-(c); (9)-(b); (10)-(c); (11)-(c); (12)-(a); (13)-(b); (14)-(c); (15)-(a); (16)-(c)