
Transport of substances in animals and plants Worksheet-3

Transport of substances in animals and plants Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. A biochemical compound that readily combines with oxygen and distributes it throughout the human body is:

(a) acetylcholine                             (b) haemoglobin

(c) water                                           (d) urea


  1. In human beings, which of the following is produced within certain bones?

(a) bile                                              (b) urea               

(c) red blood cells                            (d) muscle cells


  1. In humans, carbon dioxide that is excreted passes from the blood directly into the:

(a) alveoli            (b) kidneys          (c) liver                (d) trachea


  1. The colour of blood in the arteries is:

(a) blue                (b) black              (c) dark red         (d) bright red


  1. Blood fails to clot in the absence of:

(a) sulphur           (b) magnesium   (c) potassium      (d) calcium


  1. Transpiration takes place from:

(a) only the aerial parts                  (b) all parts of the plant

(c) stem                                            (d) leaves


  1. Stomata are present on _________ of the leaves.

(a) lower surface only                     (b) Both lower and upper surface

(c) upper surface only                     (d) mostly upper surface


  1. The roots absorb water through:

(a) root xylem                                  (b) epidermal hair       

(c) root phloem                               (d) root hair


  1. The ascent of sap in plants take place due to:

(a) Osmosis only

(b) Root pressure only

(c) both root pressure and transpiration pull

(d) only transpiration pull


  1. The cells that are full of water and rigid are called:

(a) flaccid                                         (b) turgid  

(c) supportive cells                          (d) None of these


  1. Blood is composed of:

(a) plasma and formed elements

(b) red and white blood cells only

(c) red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets only

(d) plasma and red blood cells


  1. Maximum transpiration takes place through:

(a) cuticle            (b) stomata         (c) epidermis       (d) lenticels


  1. The liquid portion of the blood is called:

(a) serum             (b) water             (c) sap                  (d) plasma


  1. Stomata open and close due to:

(a) pressure of guard cells

(b) presence of valves

(c) concentration of the gases present inside it

(d) hormonal control


  1. The right side of the heart transports:

(a) deoxygenated blood

(b) either deoxygenated blood  or oxygenated blood at a time

(c) mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

(d) oxygenated blood


Answer Key:

  1. (B)
  2. (C)
  3. (A)
  4. (D)
  5. (D)
  6. (A)
  7. (B)
  8. (D)
  9. (C)
  10. (B)
  11. (A)
  12. (B)
  13. (D)
  14. (A)
  15. (A)