
Geometry and Mensuration Worksheet-2

Geometry and Mensuration Worksheet-2


  1. Which statement is correct?

(a) The radius of a circle is twice as long as the diameter.

(b) A chord that passes through the centre is called a radius.

(c) A circle has only four chords.

(d) The diameter of a circle is twice as long as the radius.


  1. Which of these is NOT true?

(a) Every diameter is a chord.

(b) Every chord is a diameter.

(c) A diameter of a circle is the longest chord of that circle.

(d) All radii of a circle are same in length.


  1. Which of the following statements about the circle is TRUE?

(a) AD and CF are chords.

(b) AD and CF are both, chords and diameter.

(c) CD and AF are radii.

(d) EC and ED are chords.


  1. If AF is 8.5 cm long, then how long is CE?

(a) 17 cm            (b) 8.5 cm         (c) 4.5 cm          (d) 4.25 cm


  1. ______ is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

(a) Area              (b) Pi                  (c) Arc                (d) Perimeter


  1. Which is the correct geometrical term to describe MQ?

(See the diagram)

(a) Radius         (b) Chord           (c) Tangent       (d) Arc


  1. Name one radius in the circle shown below.

(a) PA                 (b) MQ               (c) MP                (d) EQ


  1. Find the circumference of the circle shown below.

(a) 18.84 cm     (b) 37.68 cm     (c) 24.68 cm     (d) 75.36 cm


  1. The radius of a wheel is 6 inches. What is the area?

(a) 113.04 in2    (b) 18.84 in2     (c) 37.68 in2      (d) 133 in2


  1. A coin has a radius of 0.256 inch. What is the area of the coin to the nearest tenths?

(in square inches)

(a) 0.5                (b) 0.2                (c) 0.7                 (d) 0.1


  1. Calculate the area of the shaded portion.

(a) 31.4 cm2      (b) 39.25 cm2   (c) 48.25 cm2   (d) 78.5 cm2


  1. Point A and point B are located on the circumference of the circle. The circle has an area of 28.26 sq.cm. What can be the longest distance between point A and point B?

(a) 3 cm             (b) 9 cm             (c) 6 cm             (d) 2.6 cm


  1. A circle has a radius of 4 inches. Find the area of half of the circle?

(a) 25.12 sq. in.                            (b) 50.24 sq. in.

(c) 26.67 sq. in.                            (d) 22.40 sq. in.


  1. What is the area of a circle with circumference 31.4 cm?

(a) 10 cm2         (b) 8.5 cm2        (c) 5 cm2           (d) 78.5 cm2


  1. How many green circle would be needed to cover the area of the blue circle?

(a) 4                    (b) 16                  (c) 12                  (d) 6


  1. A circle has a radius of 6 feet. What is the circumference of the circle to the nearest tenth? π = 3.14.

(a) 38.7 feet                                   (b) 35.68 feet

(c) 113.04 feet                               (d) 37.7 feet


  1. What is the distance along the circumference of a part of a circle known as?

(a) Diameter     (b) Tangent       (c) Arc                (d) radius


  1. Anna’s study table is circular in shape. It has an area of 1256 square inches. Find its diameter.

(a) 20 inches     (b) 30 inches    (c) 40 inches     (d) 10 inches


  1. What is true about a line?

(a) It has two end points.

(b) It has no end point.

(c) It has one endpoint and goes on and on in one direction.

(d) All of these


  1. Which has one end point extends to infinity in one direction?

(a) Point             (b) Line             (c) Ray               (d) line segment


Answer Key:

(1)-(d); (2)-(b); (3)-(a); (4)-(d); (5)-(b); (6)-(c); (7)-(d); (8)-(b); (9)-(a); (10)-(b); (11)-(b); (12)-(c); (13)-(a); (14)-(d); (15)-(b); (16)-(d); (17)-(c); (18)-(c); (19)-(b); (20)-(c)