
Heredity and evolution Worksheet-1

Heredity and evolution Worksheet-1


Fill in the blanks:

  1. Gene is the part of a _____ which controls the appearance of a set of hereditary characteristics.


  1. _____ is the transmission of particular characteristics from generation to generation by means of the genetic code, which is transferred to offspring in the gametes.


  1. _____organs are those organs which have different basic structure and development origin but have similar appearance and perform similar functions.


  1. ______ organs are those organs which have the same basic structural design and developmental origin but have different functions and appearance.


  1. Darwin explained _____ with the help of his theory of natural selection.


  1. ______ refers to the transmission of characters or traits from the parents to their offspring.


  1. _____ refers to the differences in the characters or traits among the individuals of a species.


  1. _____ is the sequence of gradual changes which takes place in the primitive organisms over million of years in which new species are produced.


  1. _______ is the unit of inheritance.


  1. Human male produces _____of sperm and human female produces ______of ova.


  1. ______ are the preserved remains, impressions or traces of organisms that lived in the past.


  1. _____ basis of sex determination is observed in most plants and animals.


  1. _____ is a type of social organisation in which individuals are ranked according to their status or dominance relative to other group members.


  1. ______ is the arrangement of organisms into a series of groups based on physiological, biochemical, anatomical or other relationships.


  1. _____ is any change in the structure or functioning of an organism that makes it better suited to its environment.


  1. _____ is the evolutionary history of an organism or group of related organisms.


  1. ______ is the evolution of reproductive isolation among once - interbreeding populations, i.e., the development of one or more species from an existing species.



  1. Chromosome

  2. Inheritance

  3. Analogous

  4. Homologous

  5. Evolution

  6. Heredity

  7. Variation

  8. Evolution

  9. Gene

  10. Two types, one type

  11. Fossils

  12. Genetic

  13. Hierarchy

  14. Classification

  15. Adaptation

  16. Phylogeny

  17. Speciation