
English Olympiad Grade 2 Homophones Worksheet-1

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Homophones Worksheet-1


Read the sentences and select the homophones which will correctly complete the sentence:

  1. Can you _______ a dress for me?

       A. chews            B. choose           C. choice


  1. She couldn't ______ me properly.

      A. here                B. hear               C. her

See English worksheets on comprehensions

  1. Those balloons were ________.

      A. blew               B. blow               C. blue


  1. I ______who took my pencil.

      A. no                   B. know              C. new


  1. We should not ______ the rules.

      A. break             B. brake             C. bake


  1. I_______ dinner at her house.

      A. eight               B. aid                  C. ate


  1. I asked him not to _______ my little sister.

      A. tees                 B. tease              C. teas


  1. The building is on your _______ side.

      A. write              B. right               C. rite

See English worksheets on comprehensions

  1. I have a very _______ friend.

      A. dear               B. deer                C. dire


  1. We will _______ for Kamal.

      A. weight           B. wate               C. wait



(1)–B; (2)–B; (3)–C; (4)–B; (5)–A; (6)–C; (7)–B; (8)–B; (9)–A; (10)–C