How do organisms reproduce Worksheet-3
A. Seminiferous tubules B. Fallopian tube
C. Epididymis D. Vas Deferens
A. Hydra B. Planaria
C. Paramoecium D. Plasmodium
A. Uterus B. Ovary
C. Vagina D. Mammary glands
A. Menopause B. gamete formation
C. Fertilization D. Menstruation
A. layering B. tissue culture
C. Cutting D. bud grafting
A. one gamete nucleus B. two male nuclei
C. three male nuclei D. four male gametes
A. egg B. Sperm C. Oospore D. Zygote
A. Vagina B. fallopian tube
C. Uterus D. Ovary
A. increase in size
B. increase in number
C. form new tissues and organs
D. develop from zygotes
A. after fertilisation
B. without fertilisation
C. union of male nucleus with antipodals
D. from the petals
A. Oviduct B. Uterus C. Ovary D. Vagina
A. Amoeba B. Yeast
C. Plasmodium D. Leishmania
A. Ovary B. Uterus
C. Vas deferens D. Fallopian tuve
A. sepal B. Ovules C. Carpel D. pollen grains
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