
How do organisms reproduce Worksheet-7

How do organisms reproduce Worksheet-7


Subjective questions:

  1. Write names of one male and one female sex hormone.


  1. Name the kind of reproduction in bee in which drones are produced.


  1. Which parts of plants can grow vegetatively?


  1. What is the function of  pollen grains   in flowers?


  1. What is the other name of (i) Calyx (ii) Corolla (iii) Androecium (iv) Gynoecium?


  1. What is the basic requirement for sexual reproduction?


  1. Name two organisms that show asexual reproduction.


  1. What is the difference between binary and multiple fission?


  1. How does hydra reproduce? Name another organism that reproduces by the similar method.


  1. Name two plants other than fungi that reproduce through spores.


  1. Why is regeneration considered a method of reproduction?


  1. Give two examples of organisms which can regenerate from small part of their body.


  1. Give one example of an organism which reproduces asexually by budding.


  1. Name two body parts which human beings can regenerate.


  1. Give one example of each plant which propagates artificially by

(a) cutting                   (b) layering.


  1. Name the process of reproduction in the following organisms

(a) Euglena                 (b) Rhizopus.


  1. Give one example of each of the following :

(i)     Plant which reproduces naturally by vegetative propagation of leaf.

(ii)    Plant which reproduces naturally by vegetative propagation of stem.


  1. Give the terms for the pollination by winds and bats.


  1. Which vegetative part is used in the propagation of Bryophyllum?


  1. Name some plants where layering is used as a method of propagation.



  1. Male sex hormone is Testosterone and female sex hormone is Estrogen.


  1. Parthenogenesis.


  1. Modified stems like onion bulbs, runners of doob grass, ginger rhizomes, potato tubers and root tubers of sweet potato, dahlia can grow into new plants - stem cuttings like sugarcane, rose, etc., grow into a new plant provided they have buds. Grafting of fruit trees branches grow into a plant.


  1. Pollen grains fertilises the egg cell present in the embryo sac of an ovule.


  1. (i) Calyx – Sepals

(ii) Corolla –Petals

(iii) Androecium – Stamens

(iv) Gynoecium – Pistil/Carpel.


  1. The basic requirements for sexual reproduction are two gametes, male and female gametes which are usually different from one another.


  1. Amoeba and yeast.


  1. In binary fission, two new organisms are formed from the single unicellular organism and in multiple fission, several individuals arise from a single unice 1 lular organism.


  1. Hydra reproduces by budding. Another organism that reproduces through budding is Yeast.


  1. Mushroom and ferns.


  1. Regeneration is considered a method of reproduction because an entire organism can be made from its fragmented body.


  1. Planaria and Spirogyra.


  1. Hydra.


  1. Hairs and nails.


  1. (a) cutting e.g., rose.

(b) layering e.g., jasmine.


  1. (a) Euglena - Binary fission. (b) Rhizopus - Spore formation.


  1. (i) Bryophyllum. (ii) Potato (tuber).


  1. Wind pollination - Anemophily. Bat pollination - Chiropterophily.


  1. Vegetative part of leaf is used in the propagation of Bryophyllum.


  1. Jasmine, Hibiscus, Lemon, Guava, etc.