
Skeletal and Nervous System-Worksheet-2

Skeletal and Nervous System-Worksheet-2

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Identify the correct option in the given picture.

  1. Number of bones present in the skull of adult human being:

(a) 29                          (b) 28                       (c) 30


  1. The only movable part of the skull:

(a) Lower jaw             (b) Upper jaw           (c) Any of these


  1. A long bone present at the centre of the chest:

(a) Sternum                (b) Floating ribs        (c) Femur


  1. The longest bone present in the body:

(a) Sternum                (b) Femur                   (c) Forelimbs


  1. The brain stem is also known as:

(a) Cerebrum             (b) Cerebellum          (c) Medulla


  1. Which of the following carries message to the brain?

(a) Sensory nerves    (b) Motor nerves       (c) Both of these


  1. The smallest bone present in our body is:

(a) Stirrup                  (b) Scapula                (c) Sternum


  1. Which of the following protects our heart?

(a) Sternum               (b) Skull                    (c) Rib cage


  1. (b)
  2. (a)
  3. (a)
  4. (b)
  5. (c)
  6. (a)
  7. (a)
  8. (b)