
Identify gerunds-participles Worksheet-5

Identify gerunds-participles Worksheet-5


See the underlined word and identify it:

  1. He is walking very fast, isn’t he?

A. Present participle                    B. Past participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. Tendulkar has played 199 test matches.

A. Gerund                                       B. Past participle

C. Present participle                    D. None of these


  1. We had gone to watch the match last week.

A. Gerund                                       B. Present participle

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. What are you wearing for the party tonight?

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. None of them                            D. Past participle


  1. The rotten fruits have been thrown out.

A. Past participle                          B. Present participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. The twinkling stars make the night sky so beautiful.

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. ‘The Singing Stars’ is a lovely movie.

A. Past participle                          B. Gerund

C. Present participle                    D. None of these


  1. Where is Sheila hiding?

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. None of them                            D. Past participle


  1. This beautiful painting has been done by Rashmi.

A. Past participle                          B. Gerund

C. Present participle                    D. None of these


  1. Frozen food should be examined before buying.

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. Frozen food should be examined before buying.

A. Past participle                          B. Present participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. Frozen food should be examined before buying.

A. Gerund                                       B. Past participle

C. Present participle                    D. None of these


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Walking’ is a present participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Played’ is a past participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Gone’ is a past participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Wearing’ is a present participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Rotten’ is a past participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Twinkling’ is a present participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Singing’ is a present participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Hiding’ is a present participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Painting’ is a noun. It is neither a gerund nor a present or past participle.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Frozen’ is a past participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Buying’ is a gerund because it is doing the work of a noun.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Examined’ is a past participle forms part of the verb.