
Identify gerunds-participles Worksheet-1

Identify gerunds-participles Worksheet-1


See the underlined word and identify it:

  1. Talking in class is not a good habit.

A. Gerund                                       B. Present participle

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. The thought of giving the cake to her is very noble.

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. Sunil has written a lovely essay.

A. Gerund                                       B. Present participle

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. The bell is ringing continuously.

A. None of them                            B. Past participle

C. Gerund                                       D. Present participle


  1. The broken window was repaired in the morning.

A. Present participle                    B. Past participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. The crying child looked for its mother.

A. Present participle                    B. Past participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. Sunita has bought four new dresses.

A. Present participle                    B. Past participle

C. Gerund                                       D. None of these


  1. The shepherd heard a barking sound.

A. Present participle                    B. Gerund

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


  1. Seeing is believing.

A. Gerund                                       B. Past participle

C. Present participle                    D. None of these


  1. Seeing is believing.

A. Gerund                                       B. Present participle

C. Past participle                          D. None of these


Answer Key:

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Talking’ is a gerund because it is doing the work of a noun.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Giving’ is a gerund because it is doing the work of a noun.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Written’ is a past participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Ringing’ is a present participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Broken’ is a past participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Crying’ is a present participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Bought’ is a past participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Barking’ is a present participle because it is doing the work of an adjective.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Believing’ is a present participle because it forms part of the verb.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Seeing’ is a gerund because it is doing the work of a noun.