
Keeping Safe Worksheet-2

Keeping Safe Worksheet-2


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. What  must be given to the person suffering from a wound or cut?





  1. Which rule should be followed to stay safe at home?

A. Take care while climbing the stairs

B. Take care while eating food

C. Take care while drinking milk


  1. Which of the following safety rules should be followed at the school?

A. Not to run in the classroom

B. Both

C. Not to fight with friends


  1. Which of the following pictures has correct traffic light colour?

A.             B.           C.


  1. What does the green colour light at traffic signal mean?

A. Ready            B. Stop               C. Go


  1. One should not play with this object at home.

A.        B.          C.


  1. What is underground passage for crossing roads called?

A. Zebra crossing

B. Footpath

C. Subway


  1. What does the red colour light at traffic signal mean?

A. Ready            B. Stop               C. Go


  1. We should not play with one of the following?





  1. We  should take care of ourselves and stay safe from ____.

A. Reading        B. Injury            C. Writing


Answer Key:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B