
Noun Exercise-1

Noun Practice Exercise-1


Choose the nouns from the options given below to complete the sentences.

[garden, country, child, legs, watch, Maharashtra, wool, market, pond, milk]

  1. India is my ____.

  2. This is a ____.

  3. The children are playing in the ____.

  4. Sania is a naughty ____.

  5. Insects have six ____.

  6. Pradeep goes to the ____ everyday.

  7. There are three ducks in the ____.

  8. Sheep gives us ____.

  9. The ____ is in the jug.

  10. Mumbai is the capital of ____.



  1. country

  2. watch

  3. garden

  4. child

  5. legs

  6. market

  7. pond

  8. wool

  9. milk

  10. Maharashtra

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