
Types of sentences Worksheet-7

Types of sentences Worksheet-7


See the sentence and state its kind:

  1. Rina said, “Good Morning, ma’am.”

A. Complex sentence                   B. Compound sentence

C. None of them                            D. Simple sentence


  1. Sheila sat in the park and watched the squirrels playing.

A. Compound sentence               B. Simple sentence

C. Complex sentence                   D. None of them


  1. My dog was waiting for me when I reached home.

A. Complex sentence                   B. Simple sentence

C. Compound sentence               D. None of them


  1. Which I saw

A. Simple sentence                       B. Compound sentence

C. None of them                            D. Complex sentence


  1. I encouraged the children to participate in the quiz.

A. Complex sentence                   B. Compound sentence

C. Simple sentence                       D. None of them


  1. Rohan is very tall but his brother is quite short.

A. None of them                            B. Simple sentence

C. Complex sentence                   D. Compound sentence


  1. Rina did not like the soup which her cook had prepared.

A. Simple sentence                       B. Complex sentence

C. Compound sentence               D. None of them


  1. Everyone ran inside because it started raining suddenly.

A. Complex sentence                   B. Compound sentence

C. None of them                            D. Simple sentence


  1. Why she should go

A. Compound sentence               B. Simple sentence

C. Complex sentence                   D. None of them


  1. Sonal sings well due to practicing regularly every morning.

A. Complex sentence                   B. Simple sentence

C. None of them                            D. Compound sentence


Answer Key:

  1. D

Explanation: This is a simple sentence since it has only one finite verb ‘said’.


  1. A

Explanation: This is a compound sentence since it has two main clauses which are joined by the coordinate conjunction ‘and’.


  1. A

Explanation: This is a complex sentence since it has 1 main clause and 1 subordinate clause which are joined by the subordinate conjunction ‘when’.


  1. C

Explanation: This is not a sentence since it does not make complete sense.


  1. C

Explanation: This is a simple sentence since it has only one finite verb ‘encouraged’.


  1. D

Explanation: This is a compound sentence since it has 2 main clauses which are joined by the coordinate conjunction ‘but’.


  1. B

Explanation: This is a complex sentence since it has 1 main clause and 1 subordinate clause which are joined by the subordinate conjunction ‘which’.


  1. A

Explanation: This is a complex sentence since it has 1 main clause and 1 subordinate clause which are joined by the subordinate conjunction ‘because’.


  1. D

Explanation: This is not a sentence since it does not make complete sense. 


  1. B

Explanation: This is a simple sentence since it has only one finite verb ‘sings’.