
Essential for Life - Air & Water Worksheet-3

Essential for Life - Air & Water Worksheet-3


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. Which of the following gas supports burning?

(A) Oxygen                 (B) Nitrogen               (C) Hydrogen


  1. Which of the following gas is used by the green plants for the process of photosynthesis?

(A) Hydrogen             (B) Carbon dioxide   (C) Helium


  1. Rita makes a hole in an oil tin and tries to pour out the oil in a can. The oil flows out very slowly. Later, she makes another hole slightly away from the first one and observes that the oil flows out rapidly. Which of the following reason might be responsible for the same?

(A) Air enters the tin from second hole and its pressure pushes the oil out

(B) Two holes on a lid helps in flowing out the oil rapidly

(C) None of these


  1. Which of the following method is used to purify the water?

(A) Boiling                  (B) Sedimentation    (C) Decantation


  1. Wind always blows from the area of:

(A) Low pressure to high pressure

(B) High pressure to low pressure

(C) There is no effect of pressure on the wind


  1. Which of the following method is used to separate soluble impurities?

(A) Evaporation         (B) Loading                (C) Decantation


  1. Raj boils the water for 10 minutes in order to make it safe for drinking. But he forgot to store it in closed clean container and kept it in an open pot. Will this water be still germ free?

(A) No                          (B) Yes                          (C) Can’t say


  1. Which of the following device is used to measure air pressure?

(A) Tonometer          (B) Barometer            (C) Seismometer


  1. Why hot air balloons go up?

(A) Hot air is denser than the cold air

(B) Hot air inside the balloon is lighter than the cold air surrounding it (outside the balloon)

(C) Hot air is pushed inside the balloon


Multiple Choice Questions (with more than one option):

  1. Which of the following gas is used in making light bulbs and fluorescent tubes?

(A) Argon                    (B) Carbon dioxide   (C) Helium

      (D) Hydrogen             (E) Oxygen


  1. Mark the different processes involved in purification of water on large scale.

(A) Sedimentation    (B) Decantation         (C) Filtration

      (D) Chlorination        (E) Boiling


Answer Key:

(1)-(A); (2)-(B); (3)-(A); (4)-(A); (5)-(B); (6)-(A); (7)-(A); (8)-(B); (9)-(B); (10)-(A,C,D); (11)-(A,C,D)