
Light, Sound and Force Worksheet-1

Light, Sound and Force Worksheet-1


Multiple -Choice Question:

  1. Which of the following gives us light?

A. Sun                 B. Moon             C. Satellite


  1. What do we need to see things?

A. Light              B. Heat


  1. What is the main source of heat and light on Earth?

A. Sun                 B. Moon


  1. The sun is the main source of heat and light on the living planet called _________.

A. Earth             B. Moon


  1. What do we call the objects that give us light?

A. Luminous objects                  B. Non-luminous objects


  1. What do we call the objects that do not give us light?

A. Luminous objects                   B. Non-luminous objects


  1. We see ______ objects only when light fall on them.

A. luminous objects                     B. non-luminous objects


  1. What are formed when an object blocks the path of light?

A. Shadows                                    B. Images


  1. Our shadows are formed when we block the light from the ______.

A. Sun                 B. Table             C. Chair


  1. A ______ is always formed on the opposite side of the light source.

A. Shadow

B. Cube              C. Circle


Answer Key:

  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. A
  10. A