
Living and non-living things Worksheet-12

Living and non-living things Worksheet-12


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. We can smell with our ______.

A. Eyes               B. Nose               C. Tongue


  1. We can taste with our _______.

A. Eyes               B. Ears               C. Tongue


  1. We can see with our _______.

A. Eyes               B. Ears               C. Tongue


  1. Some animals such as cockroaches have special body parts, which help them to feel changes around them are called ______.

A. Gills               B. Fins                C. Antennae


  1. Plants can feel ______ and grow towards it.

A. Animals        B. Light


  1. A woman gives birth to a _______.

A. Baby              B. Cow                C. Buffalo


  1. A ______ gives birth to a baby.

A. Man               B. Woman         C. Plant


  1. Plants reproduce with the help of ______.

A. Leaves           B. Seeds             C. Roots


  1. Seeds grow into new ______.

A. Plants            B. Animals


Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A