
Living and non-living things Worksheet-9

Living and non-living things Worksheet-9


Multiple-Choice Question:

  1. ______ breathe through air holes in their body.

A. Camels          B. Butterflies    C. Fishes


  1. ______ breathe through air holes in their body.

A. Hens              B. Fishes            C. Mosquitoes


  1. Cockroaches breathe through ______in their body.

A. Air holes       B. Gills               C. Nose


  1. Butterflies  breathe through ______in their body.

A. Air holes       B. Gills               C. Nose


  1. Mosquitoes  breathe through ______in their body.

A. Air holes       B. Gills               C. Nose


  1. _______ breathe through tiny holes called stomata.

A. Plants            B. Animals        C. Human beings


  1. Plants breathe through tiny holes called _______.

A. Tomato         B. Stomata        C. Potato


  1. Plants breathe through tiny holes which are present in their ______.

A. Stems            B. Roots             C. Leaves


  1. Living things need _______ to grow.

A. Food              B. Television     C. Computer


  1. Food gives us ______.

A. Stones            B. Energy           C. Humus


Answer Key:

  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B