
Charts and graphs Worksheet-5

Charts and graphs Worksheet-5


Each stick stands for 1 box

= 5 boxes


  1. How much less did Bimal sell than Amit sold?

(a) 20                 (b) 25                  (c) 27                  (d) 18


  1. Who sold the greatest number of boxes?

(a) Henry           (b) Tanu             (c) Jiya               (d) Amit


  1. Who sold more boxes ? Jiya or Tanu ?

(a) None of these                          (b) Jiya

(c) Tanu                                         (d) Both of them sold equal


  1. No. of boxes sold by Bimal is what fraction of no. of boxes sold by Arya ?

(a) 1/5                (b) 9/25             (c) 8/25             (d) 4/5


  1. How many persons sold even no. of boxes ?

(a) 1                     (b) 2                    (c) 3                    (d) 0


  1. How many persons sold odd no. of boxes?

(a) 7                     (b) 6                    (c) 5                    (d) 4


  1. 1/5 of boxes sold by Arya were bought by Amrita. How many boxes did Amrita buy ?

(a) 5                    (b) 2                    (c) 3                     (d) 4


  1. Bimal sold each box for Rs. 5. How much did he collect ?

(a) 5                     (b) 40                 (c) 45                  (d) 35


  1. Amit bought each box for Rs. 2 and sold each box for Rs. 3. What is his profit ?

(a) 1                     (b) 27                  (c) 25                  (d) 7


Answer Key:

(1)-D; (2)-A; (3)-B; (4)-B; (5)-D; (6)-A; (7)-A; (8)-C; (9)-B