
Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-1

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Addition & Subtraction Worksheet-1

A. 9,745             B. 9,840             C. 9,845             D. 8,845


  1. Laveena bought 3 mtr. of ribbon. She cuts off a piece of ribbon that is 70 cms long to decorate her room. How much ribbon does she have left? (1 mtr = 100 cms)

A. 270 cms        B. 27 cms           C. 125 cms         D. 370 cms

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A. 2,071              B. 2,770             C. 2,861             D. 2,781


  1. How much will you have to pay to buy these two balls?

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A. Rs.41              B. Rs.42             C. Rs.33             D. Rs.45


  1. Anita, Maria, and Kesha are checking their weight on a scale. Anita weighs 115 kgs, Kesha weighs 3.5 kgs less than Maria, and Maria weighs 5.5 kgs more than Anita. How much does Kesha weigh?

A. 120.5 kgs      B. 117 kgs           C. 118.5 kgs       D. 118 kgs


  1. Find the answer.

941 + 459 - 486 =?

A. 904                B. 814                 C. 915                 D. 914


  1. There are 3,467 men, 3,086 women and 3,312 children living in a town. What is the total population of the town?

A. 9,065             B. 9,865             C. 8,865             D. 9,860


  1. Mona has 78.35 acres of land. He bought 34 more acres. How much land does he have now?

A. 102.35           B. 112.30            C. 113.35            D. 112.35


  1. Find the difference of the following sums.

(671 + 2,943) – (2,187 + 349)

A. 978                 B. 1,178              C. 2,078             D. 1,078


  1. What number should be added to 19,090 to get a sum of 39,662?

A. 20,571           B. 21,572            C. 20,572                    D. 20,482


  1. Mr. Sharma had Rs.10,000 with him. He purchased an old car for Rs.8,999 and a chair for Rs.170. How much money is left with him?

A. Rs.831           B. Rs.801           C. Rs.830          D. Rs.731


Answer Keys

(1)–C; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–B; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–D; (9)–D; (10)–C