
Roman Numerals Worksheet-2

Roman Numerals Worksheet-2


  1. P, Q, R are the Roman numerals, each having “V” only once and in the place shown. Other two Roman numerals are I and X.     

What can be said about P, Q and R?

A. Q and R represent same number.

B. Q is larger than R and P

C. R is the largest.

D. The difference between Q and R is 2.

Click here for math decimals worksheets

  1. The Hindu-Arabic numeral for XXVIII is:

A. 18                   B. 27                    C. 38                   D. 28


  1. The ascending order of XX, XXXVI, V is:

A. V, XXXVI, XX                           B. XX, V, XXXVI      

       C. V, XX, XXXVI                           D. XXXVI, XX, V


  1. The descending order of IX, IV, VI is:

A. IV, IX, VI                                   B. IX, VI, IV     

       C. VI, IX, IV                                   D. IV, VI, IX


  1. The Roman numeral for 100 is:

A. XX                  B. XXX               C. LL                   D. C


  1. How many students got marks more than three marks?

A. 1                      B. 2                     C. 3                     D. 4


  1. How many candidates got less than or equal to 3 marks?

A. 1                      B. 2                     C. 3                     D. 4


  1. For how many questions did all the students write correct answers?

A. 1                      B. 2                     C. 3                     D. 4


  1. A two digit number is having 2 tens and 4 ones It represents the roman numeral_____

A. IIIV                B. XXIIV            C. XXV               D. XXIV


  1. In an intelligence test there are five questions. For each correct answer they award 1 mark and for each wrong answer they deduct 2 marks. Prasad answered all the five questions and he scored between 1 and 5. How many marks did he score?

      (Give your answer in Roman numeral)

A. I                      B. II                     C. III                 D. IV


Answer Keys

(11)–D; (12)–D; (13)–C; (14)–B; (15)–D; (16)–C; (17)–B; (18)–B; (19)–D; (20)–B