
Measurement and motion Worksheet-1

Measurement and motion Worksheet-1


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The process of comparing an unknown quantity with a known or standard quantity of same kind is called _______.
  2. The distance traveled by light through vacuum in one year is known as ______.
  3. ______ is the force with which the earth attracts a body toward itself.
  4. The SI unit of time is ______.
  5. 1 cm = ________ millimeters.


Multiple -Choice Question (One Option Correct):

  1. Any quantity which we measure in the study of physics is called:

(A) Natural quantity                        (B) Chemical quantity

(C) Physical quantity                       (D) Measurable quantity


  1. Which of the following are submultiples of a metre?

(A) Centimetre and decameter      (B) Centimetre and millimeter

(C) Hectometer and decameter     (D) Millimetre and decameter


  1. The most appropriate unit to measure the size of a bacteria is:

(A) Micron           (B) Angstrom       (C) Millimetre     (D) Centimetre


  1. The most appropriate unit to measure the distance of stars from the earth is:

(A) Light year      (B) Kilometre       (C) Hectometer   (D) Metre


  1. Which of the following devices are used to measure the mass of a body?

(A) Physical balance                        (B) Beam balance

(C) Digital balance                           (D) All of these


  1. Which of the following is not the unit of length?

(A) Kilometer      (B) Meter             (C) Litre                (D) Feet


  1. Weight of a body is maximum on the surface of earth at:

(A) Equator          (B) Anywhere      (C) Poles              (D) None of these


  1. Movement of a car from city ‘A’ to city ‘B’ is known as:

(A) Translation motion                   (B) Rotational motion

(C) Periodic motion                         (D) None of these


  1. A type of motion in which an object moves about an axis and different parts of it move by different distances in a given interval of time is called _________motion.

(A) Periodic                                       (B) Rotational

(C) Translational                              (D) Non periodic


  1. Motion of a bullet fired from a gun is an example of:

(A) Rectilinear     (B) Curvilinear     (C) Periodic         (D) Non periodic


  1. What is the type of motion described by the ball in the given picture?

(A) Curvilinear motion                            (B) Rectilinear motion

(C) Periodic motion                                  (D) None of these


  1. A small child is swinging. Which type of motion is described by the swing?

(A) Curvilinear & non periodic       (B) Curvilinear & periodic

(C) Rectilinear & non periodic        (D) Rectilinear & periodic


  1. The length of the wooden block  as shown in the figure is:

(A) 6.5 cm           (B) 5.5 cm            (C) 7 cm               (D) 8 cm


  1. The reason why scientists repeat measurements they take during experiments is so that they can:

(A) Check whether the instruments used are inaccurate

(B) List the measurements taken in a table

(C) Take the average and reduce the possibility of error

(D) Get more than one answer


  1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(A) Distance between Delhi and Hyderabad is of order in km

(B) Hundred centimeter make one metre

(C) 1 ton is equal to 106 g

(D) A simple pendulum is used to measure the mass of a bob


  1. Match the following:



  1. Mass of a body is a variable quantity, which changes with the change in acceleration due to gravity of the earth.
  2. A moving object can’t have more than one type of motion.


Answer key:

  1. Measurement/Measurements
  2. Light year
  3. gravitational force
  4. Second
  5. 10/ ten
  6. (C)
  7. (B)
  8. (A)
  9. (A)
  10. (D)
  11. (C)
  12. (C)
  13. (A)
  14. (B)
  15. (B)
  16. (B)
  17. (B)
  18. (B)
  19. (C)
  20. (D)
  21. 1-c, 2-d,3-b, 4-a
  22. False
  23. False