
Verbs-Deduction - must, can't, may and might-Exercise-1

Practice Exercise-1


Sally and Ben are watching the people arriving at the world premiere of a new Hollywood film. A lot of famous people are there. Fill the gaps with must be (100%), may be (70%), might be (40%) or can't be (0%). Use want, not be, for one of the gaps.

Sally: Look at that handsome man in the big car. Who is he?

Ben: I don't know. He ([1] 100%) must be a big star. There are three other men with him.

Sally: Yes, they ([2] 100%) ____ his bodyguards. But who is the old lady with him? She ([3] 100%) ____ about ninety years old.

Ben: She ([4] 40%) ____ his grandmother. No, I know. It ([5] 100%) ____ Lalita Mukherjee. She was a big star in the 20s.

Sally: Look at the man in the next car. That ([6] 100%) ____ the director. And the woman with the long blonde hair ([7] 100%) ____ Shanti Prakash, the star of the film.

Ben: Here's another car. It ([8] 70%) ____ Om Prakash and his new wife. She ([9] 100%) ____ stupid to love him. He always has lots of girlfriends.

Sally: No, it's not Om Prakash. It's a little grey-haired man. He ([10] 0%) ____ the writer of the film.

Ben: No. He ([11] 40%) ____ a security man. There's something in his jacket. It ([12] 40%) ____ a gun!

Sally: You're right. It is a gun. He's taking it out. He's pointing it at Shanti Prakash. It ([13] 100%) ____ to kill her!

Ben: Don't worry. It ([14] 0%) ____ real. It ([15] 100%) ____ an act for publicity.

Sally: You're right. He's kissing Shanti Prakash. The world of films is crazy!



  1. must be

  2. must be

  3. must be

  4. might be

  5. must be

  6. must be

  7. must be

  8. may be

  9. must be

  10. must be

  11. might be

  12. might be

  13. must be

  14. can't be

  15. must be


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