
English Olympiad Grade 4 Worksheet-31

The Complete Course of Grammar Worksheet-31


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Tina has a piano lesson tomorrow.

B. Tina haves a piano lesson tomorrow.

C. Tina be haves a piano lesson tomorrow.

D. Tina have a piano lesson tomorrow.


  1. Find the sentence with correct capitalization.

A. our class enjoyed reading the poem dreams by langston Hughes.

B. Our class enjoyed reading the poem dreams by Langston Hughes.

C. our class enjoies reading the Poem Dreams by Langston Hughes.

D. Our class enjoyed reading the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes.

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  1. What is the EFFECT in this sentence?

Since Mira didnt set her alarm to the correct time, she was late to work and missed a very important meeting.

A. Mira didnt set her alarm on time

B. She was late to work

C. She missed a very important meeting

D. Both B and C


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Harish Dutt said, That is my ball.

B. Harish Dutt said That is my ball.

C. Harish Dutt said, That is my ball.

D. Harish, Dutt said, that is my ball.


  1. An adverb is a word that describes a verb or a noun.

This is a ______

A. True     statement                   B. False statement

C. not a specific question            D. incomplete statement.


  1. Which list is correctly capitalized?

A. January, february, march, APRIL

B. January, February, March, April

C. january, february, march, april

D. january, February, March, April


  1. Tests can be hard if you have not studied for them.

What type of sentence is this?

A. simple                                        B. compound

C. complex                                     D. compound-complex


  1. How many adjectives are there in the following sentence?

The fluffy, fat cat sat in front of the glowing fire.

A. 1                      B. 3                     C. 5                      D. 2


  1. What is the pronoun in this sentence?

Jay is cool but he doesnt like to be teased.

A. but                  B. is                     C. he                   D. like


  1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly.

A. Those trees are losing their leaves.

B. Those tree is losing their leaves.

C. Those tree are losing their leaves.

D. Those trees is losing their leaves.


Answer Keys:

(1)–A; (2)–D; (3)–D; (4)–A; (5)–B; (6)–B; (7)–C; (8)–B; (9)–C; (10)–A