
English Olympiad Grade 3 Articles Worksheet-3

Usage of definite article 'The'

Before proper nouns (unique objects) when they refer to the names of historical buildings, mountain ranges, planets, rivers, oceans, gulfs, groups of islands, holy books, ordinals, descriptive names of countries, states, newspapers, magzines, deserts, superlative degree, names of trains, hotels, shops, trains, eg,

The Persian Gulf          The Taj Mahal               The Netherlands

The Indian Ocean        The best picture          The Sudan

The Ganges                  The first man                The USA

The Himalayas             The Sahara                   The Maurya Sheraton

The Ramayana             The Bay of Bengal        The Ranjit

The Vedas                     The Rajdhani Express

The Moon                     The Times of India

The Sun                         The Frontline

The Earth                      The North Pole

'The' is not used before Aravali and Everest because they are not  mountain ranges.


Articles Worksheet-3

  1. I've read ____ book on the life of Helen Keller.

A. the                                               B. a

C. an                                                D. Could be both "a" or "an"

  1. We visited _____ Taj Mahal last year.

A. the                  B. a                      C. an                   D. None


  1. Grapes were Rs.160 ____  kgm.

A. an                   B. the                  C. a                      D. None

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  1. I love _____ curtains in your room.

A. a                      B. an                   C. the                  D. All of these


  1. You can meet me at ___ airport.

A. a                      B. an                   C. the                  D. no article needed


  1. Joseph was born in _______California.

A. the                  B. a                      C. an                   D. no article needed


  1. What is ___ capital of China?

A. a                      B. the                  C. an                   D. no article needed


  1. This is ___ easy test for me.

A. a                      B. the                  C. an                             D. no article needed

Grade 3 grammar worksheets

  1. I scrapped my ___ ankle.

A. a                      B. an                   C. the                  D. no article needed


  1. I don't like _____ houses here very much.

A. the                  B. a                      C. an                             D. no article needed


Answer Key

1. B; 2. D; 3. C; 4. C; 5. C; 6. D; 7. B; 8. C; 9. D; 10. A