
Roman Numerals Worksheet-3

Roman Numerals Worksheet-3


  1. The basic Roman numeral that can never be subtracted is:

A. X                     B. I                      C. V                     D. L


  1. The Roman numerals for 5 is:

A. X                     B. I                      C. L                     D. V


  1. The Roman numerals from which I can be subtracted are V and ______.

A. I                      B. X                     C. L                     D. C

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  1. The Roman numeral for 24 is:

A. XXVI             B. XXIV             C. XXIIII           D. XXXIV


  1. XIX + XXX = _____

A. 49                   B. 51                   C. 55                 D. 44


  1. The Hindu-Arabic numeral for L is:

A. 5                      B. 10                  C. 100                 D. 50


  1. Which of the following number has no Roman numeral?

A. 0                     B. 13                    C. 27                  D. 39


  1. Who got equal marks?

A. A and C          B. C and E          C. B and E         D. D and E


  1. Who got the highest score?

A. A                     B. B                     C. C                     D. E


  1. If the pass mark is 3, then how many students passed?

A. 4                     B. 3                     C. 2                     D. 5


Answer Keys

(1)–C; (2)–D; (3)–B; (4)–B; (5)–A; (6)–D; (7)–A; (8)–B; (9)–B; (10)–A