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Interactive quizzes & worksheets on the universe for grade-4 olympiad science students.
Pattern of questions : Multiple Choice Questions

The Universe Worksheet-11


  1. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

A. Sand absorbs heat more quickly and cools down faster than water

B. Water absorbs and then loses heat more slowly than sand

C. Sun is not able to heat up sand and water

D. Both A. & (B)


  1. Which of the following factor causes the Sun to appear to change its position during different times of the day?

A. The Sun's rotation around the Earth

B. The Earth's rotation about its own axis

C. The Sun moving about its own axis

D. Both the Earth and the Sun's movement around each other.


  1. Man made satellites are used for ____.

(i) Ocean and coastal studies

(ii) Tropical vegetation and forest studies

(iii) Monitoring of oil pollution

A. (i) & (ii)                                     B. (i) & (iii)

C. (ii) & (iii)                                   D. (i), (ii) & (iii).


  1. What happens on the Southern Hemisphere when the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun?

A. Summer        B. Winter           C. Very hot        D. None of the above


  1. Which planet has Blue-green color?

A. Jupiter          B. Venus            C. Saturn           D. Neptune


  1. What does the term "outer planets" mean?

A. Planets that are farthest from the Earth.

B. Planets that are closest to the Earth.

C. Planets that are farthest from the Sun.

D. Planets that are closest to the Sun.


  1. What is our Earth?

A. A satellite      B. A star             C. A moon         D. A planet


  1. The earth completes one revolution in _____.

A. One hour      B. One year       C. One day         D. One month


  1. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Sun is the biggest and closest star to the earth in the universe

B. Sun is the closest star to the earth but it is not the biggest star in the universe

C. Sun is the biggest but not the closest star to the earth in the universe

D. Sun is neither the biggest nor the closest star to the earth in the universe


  1. The sizes of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon arranged in ascending order is ______

A. Sun, Moon, Earth                   B. Sun, Earth, Moon

C. Moon, Earth, Sun                   D. Moon, Sun, Earth


Answer Key:

(1)–D; (2)–B; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–B; (6)–C; (7)–D; (8)–B; (9)–B; (10)–C