
Basics of Physics Worksheet-5

Basics of Physics Worksheet-5


  1. What does a solar cell produce?

A. Solar energy                            B. Electrical Energy

C. Thermal (Heat) Energy         D. Rainbow effect


  1. What is the danger of short circuit?

A. It produces a bad smell.                 

B. Short circuit wastes energy.

C. Hot wires can start a fire and also too much current can damage electric devices.

D. Cold wires can destroy electric devices.


  1. What happens when negative charges are combined with positive charges?

A. They will mix with each other       

B. They will stay separated

C. They will neutralize each other

D. They will burn each other


  1. Which of the following is caused by excess water and gravity working together?

A. Thunderstorms                        B. Landslides and mudflows

C. Sand dunes                               D. Melting of glaciers


  1. How do gloves protect our hands in winter?

A. Gloves produce internal heat.

B. Gloves produce cold air.

C. Gloves provide conduction that causes the loss of heat.

D. Gloves provide insulation that prevents the loss of heat.


  1. What color will be reflected by a green apple?

A. All but green                            B. Only green

C. Only ultragreen                       D. None


  1. What kind of pulley is shown in the picture?

A. Simple Pulley                           B. Complex Pulley

C. Fixed Pulley                             D. Movable Pulley


  1. How many poles does a magnet have?

A. Two (North and South)                  

B. One (Either North or South)

C. Four (North, South, East and West)

D. None of the above


  1. What is a force?

A. An energy that is applied as push or pull.

B. An energy that is applied as push only.

C. An energy that is applied as pull only.

D. An energy that is applied to change shape of an object.


  1. Which of the following is NOT a property of a sound wave?

A. Refraction                                 B. Wave length

C. Frequency                                D. Amplitude


Answer Key:

1.-(b); 2.-(c); 3.-(c); 4.-(b); 5.-(d); 6.-(b); 7.-(d); 8.-(a); 9.-(a); 10.-(a)