
Our Clothes Worksheet-2

Our Clothes Worksheet-2


  1. Which of the following is NOT true for cotton clothes?

A. They keep our body warm

B. They let the air to circulate freely

C. They allow the body heat to escape


  1. Silk and woollen clothes are often damaged by:

A. Flies               B. Insects           C. Microorganisms


  1. Cotton and woollen clothes are rough to touch as compared to silk, nylon etc. Why?

A. The fibre used in cotton and woollen clothes have even folds

B. The fibre used in cotton and woollen clothes is of low quality

C. The fibre used in cotton and woollen clothes have many uneven folds

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  1. Why do we prefer to wear woollen clothes in winter?

A. Air trapped in the woollen fibre does not allow body heat to escape and keep our body warm

B. Woollen clothes are cheaper than cotton clothes

C. Wool is poor insulator of heat


  1. We get wool from:

A. Camel            B. Goat               C. Sheep


  1. The types of clothes we wear, mainly depends on the:

A. Occasion

B. Season

C. Climate of the place

D. Its price

E. Its quality


  1. Clothes do not protect us from:

A. Heat               B. Cold               C. Enemies


Answer Keys:

(1)–A; (2)–B; (3)–C; (4)–A; (5)–C; (6)–(A,B,C); (7)–C