
Numbers & Place Value Worksheet-12

Numbers & Place Value Worksheet-12


  1. Numeral for thirteen lakhs thirteen thousand thirteen hundred and thirteen is:

      A. 1, 31, 31,313                            B. 13, 13,013

      C. 13, 01,313                                D. 13, 14,313    


  1. 1 billion = _____ crores

      A. 1                      B. 10                 C. 100                 D. 1000


  1. Place value and face value are always equal for:

      A. 0                     B. 10                  C. any digit                 D. 100


  1. 8, 08, 08,080 comes just after ____.

      A. 8, 09, 08,099                           B. 8, 08, 08,081

      C. 8, 08, 08,079                           D. none of these


  1. Standard form of 900000000 + 3000 + 7 is:

      A. 90, 00, 03,007                        B. 9, 00, 03,007

      C. 90, 00, 03,000                        D. none of these


  1. 9849475825 is written with commas as (International System):

      A. 9,84,94,75,825                         B. 9,849,475,825

      C. 9849,475,82,5                          D. 9,8,4,9,4,7,5,8,2,5


  1. Difference between the place values of “3” in 31,16,365 is:

      A. 29, 99,700   B. 30, 00,700   C. 29, 90,700   D. none of these


  1. Product of 7,986 and 548 is:

      A. 1, 35,562       B. 43, 76,328    C. 1, 35,862       D. 1, 35,462


  1. The product of any number and “0” is:

      A. 1                                                   B. 0

      C. number itself                            D. none of these


  1. Minuend – subtrahend = ____

      A. Product         B. difference     C. Sum               D. quotient


Answer Key:

(11)-B; (12)-C; (13)-A; (14)-C; (15)-A; (16)-B; (17)-A; (18)-B; (19)-B; (20)-B