
Maths Olympiad Grade 3 Addition and Subtraction Worksheet-3

Addition & Subtraction Worksheet-3


  1. 734 – 94 =

       A. 433                 B. 384                C. 640                D. 10


  1. Esha's class sold 48 boxes of chocolate and Mahi's class sold 54 boxes of chocolate. Which expression would you use to estimate about how many boxes of chocolates were sold?

       A. 50 + 50         B. 40 + 50         C. 55 + 60          D. 50 + 60


  1. Find the missing number in the following addition?


       A. 4                     B. 3                     C. 2                     D. 1


  1. 800 + 7 = _______

       A. 870                B. 780                C. 708                D. 807


  1. 22 −14 − 2 +11

       A. 17                   B. 82                   C. 26                   D. 18


       A. 7                      B. 8                     C. 5                      D. 6


  1. What number could □ be?

       □ + 7 = 13

       A. 6                     B. 20                   C. 5                      D. 21


  1. Find the missing number in the following addition?


       A. 2                     B. 3                     C. 4                     D. 5


  1. 701 + 345 =

       A. 1046              B. 1768               C. 1647               D. 1604


  1. 98 + 102 + 47 =?

       A. 217                 B. 237                 C. 248                D. 247



(1)–C; (2)–A; (3)–A; (4)–D; (5)–A; (6)–D; (7)–A; (8)–C; (9)–A; (10)–D