
Conjunction Exercise–2 (Level-3)


Download Conjunction Exercise-2

See the picture and choose the sentence that is correct:

(a) He practiced because it was raining heavily.

(b) He could not practice because it was raining heavily.


(a) Our friends have gone to Goa because the holidays have begun.

(b) Our friends have gone to Goa because the holidays have not begun.


(a) Sheila got less marks because she studied hard.

(b) Sheila got good marks because she studied hard.


(a) They painted their nails because they had some free time.

(b) They painted their nails because they were busy.


(a) They went to the beach because it was Sunday.

(b) They did not go to the beach because it was Sunday.



  1. b

  2. a

  3. b

  4. a

  5. a

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