
Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-3

Solid, Liquid & Gases Worksheet-3


Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. ______ cannot be bent or broken.

(a) Gases                     (b) Solids


  1. Cooking gas contains _______.

(a) solid                       (b) liquid                     (c) gas


  1. About ______ percent of our body weight is due to water.

(a) 55                            (b) 65                           (c) 75


  1. The particles in solids, liquids and gases are always moving at the ______ speeds.

(a) different                (b) same


  1. The _______ states of matter are generally interchangeable.

(a) two                         (b) three                      (c) four


  1. A solid _______ change into a liquid.

(a) can                         (b) cannot


  1. What is the process of change of solid into a liquid called?

(a) Boiling                   (b) Freezing                (c) Melting


  1. What is the process of heating a liquid at a high temperature called?

(a) Boiling                   (b) Freezing                (c) Melting


  1. What is the process of change of liquid into a solid called?

(a) Boiling                   (b) Freezing                (c) Melting


  1. What is the process of change of liquid into a gas called?

(a) Freezing                (b) Melting                 (c) Evaporation 


Answer Key

(1)-A; (2)-C; (3)-C; (4)-A; (5)-B; (6)-A; (7)-C; (8)-A; (9)-B; (10)-C