
Vocabulary Word Power Worksheet-59

Word Power Worksheet – 59


Choose the correct word for the given clue.

  1. "promoting health; producing a beneficial effect"

(a) cavity            (b) excoriate     (c) fishtail          (d) salutary


  1. "a private meeting; a gathering of a group"

(a) vigil                                           (b) abominable

(c) conclave                                   (d) score


  1. "a mischievous imp in mythical tales"

(a) terrestrial    (b) evident         (c) hobgoblin    (d) extol


  1. "sullen, gloomy"

(a) gingerly       (b) morose        (c) mystical       (d) excavation


  1. "hole or hollow place"

(a) biologists                                  (b) abominable

(c) meringue                                  (d) cavity


  1. "waterproof boots that are worn very high up the leg"

(a) waders         (b) dedicated    (c) burly             (d) indisputably


  1. "a melody of resounding and discordant noises"

(a) eloquent      (b) meandered (c) din                 (d) cavity


  1. "engagement"

(a) incongruity (b) throaty         (c) betrothal      (d) rouse


  1. "dull grayish brown"

(a) microfiche  (b) dispense      (c) dun               (d) composition


  1. "any of the parallel beams that support a roof"

(a) incongruity (b) succinct       (c) rafters          (d) cascade


  1. "large number of persons or things"

(a) sloughs        (b) multitude    (c) psychic         (d) abominable


  1. "boundary of a circular object"

(a) manufacture                            (b) circumference

(c) heart-wrenching                    (d) exertion


  1. "places of deep mud or mire"

(a) perplexed    (b) sloughs        (c) recede          (d) adage


  1. "confidence"

(a) whet             (b) aperture      (c) impinge       (d) assurance


  1. "a troublesome, embarrassing, or ludicrous situation"

(a) ensnare                                     (b) doleful

(c) predicament                            (d) diameter


  1. "slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character"

(a) doleful          (b) dedicated    (c) betrothal      (d) stealthy


  1. "make new or as if new again"

(a) spectacle     (b) recede          (c) regress         (d) renew


  1. "opening"

(a) burly             (b) aperture      (c) pointed         (d) manufacture


  1. "hint"

(a) minutia        (b) slather         (c) regress         (d) intimation


  1. "edge"

(a) complacency                           (b) harrowing

(c) verge                                         (d) concussion


  1. "an attitude of doubt"

(a) tedious                                      (b) incontinently                

(c) skeptical                                   (d) deliberation


  1. "bring to dishonor"

(a) stealthy        (b) odious         (c) degrade        (d) ruckus


  1. "walked along slowly and without direction"

(a) meandered (b) rouse            (c) calamity       (d) babbling


  1. "having a wasted, worn look"

(a) haggard       (b) sloughs        (c) burgeon       (d) haven


  1. "fleshy part between ribs and hips"

(a) flank                                         (b) regress                 

(c) heart-wrenching                    (d) incrustation


  1. "loosely coiled yarn or thread wound on a reel"

(a) grievances   (b) whet             (c) skeins           (d) unanimity


  1. "of the earth"

(a) cubicle         (b) terrestrial    (c) morose         (d) fertile


  1. "move as if in waves"

(a) skeptical                                   (b) complacency

(c) harrowing                                (d) undulate


  1. "to praise highly"

(a) adjacent       (b) pernicious   (c) extol              (d) consolation


  1. "stopping and starting at intervals"

(a) unsociable                                (b) skeptical

(c) intermittent                             (d) manufacture



1-d;  2-c;  3-c;  4-b;  5-d;  6-a;  7-c;  8-c;  9-c;  10-c;  11-b;  12-b;  13-b;  14-d;  15-c;  16-d;  17-d;  18-b;  19-d;  20-c;  21-c;  22-c;  23-a;  24-a;  25-a;  26-c;  27-b;  28-d;  29-c;  30-c