
Math Olympiad Grade 3 Geometry Worksheet-5

Geometry Worksheet-5


  1. How many lines of symmetry does the insect shown below have?

       A. 1                      B. 2                     C. 3                     D. none


  1. How many vertices does a cube have? HINT: The figure shows one vertex of a cube.

       A. 8                     B. 4                     C. 6                     D. 12

Math division worksheets for Olympiad

  1. How many vertices does a hexagon have?

       A. 3                     B. 4                     C. 5                      D. 6


  1. Which option shows a CORRECT geometric name for the figure shown below?

       A. pentagon                                    B. decagon

       C. octagon                                      D. nonagon


  1. Which shape has the same number of sides as a square?

       A. rectangle                                    B. triangle        

       C. pentagon                                    D. hexagon


  1. What type of angle is formed by the minute and hour hand of the clock shown below?

       A. right               B. obtuse            C. acute              D. straight


  1. Keshav reduced the size of a frame to a width of 3 in. What is the new height if it was originally 9 in wide and 6 in tall?

       A. 3 in                 B. 2 in                 C. 1 in                  D. 18 in

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  1. What does AB represent?

       A. line segment                             B. line

       C. ray                                              D. point


  1. Rahul drew a picture made up of 5 plane figures. There are 4 equal sides in each plane figure. What shapes are the figures?

       A. square           B. circle              C. triangle         D. trapezoid


  1. A triangle is 4 in wide and 6 in tall. If it is reduced to a height of 3 in then how wide will it be?

       A. 6 in                B. 2 in                 C. 8 in                 D. 5 in



(1)–A; (2)–A; (3)–D; (4)–B; (5)–A; (6)–D; (7)–B; (8)–B; (9)–A; (10)–B